
Bread Baking - November 3

  Join us for on Sunday, November 3 after Divine Liturgy for another young adult bread baking! This month while the bread is rising we will be joined by members of the Philoptochos Board who will share some initiatives they are currently working on including opportunities for young adults to get involved.

Philoptochos Sunday - November 3


Philoptochos' Operation Housewarming

  Operation Housewarming Support the brave men and women who have made great sacrifices to serve our country and protect us. Please bring your donations by Sunday, November 10 so we can help homeless veterans who are transitioning to independent living. Your donations will be incorporated into Welcome Baskets.  We will be collecting the following items from October 20 to November 10.   bath towels bath soap toothpaste toothbrushes kitchen towels sponges dish towels

Weekly Bulletin for October 13, 2024 - Sunday of the 7th Ecumenical Council


Sun. Aug. 14 Announcements

  Upcoming News & Events WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS: For those visiting an Orthodox Church for the first time, please be aware that Holy Communion is a sign of unity of faith which is only offered to Baptized or Chrismated Orthodox Christians. All present are welcome, however, to partake of the antidoro (blessed bread) which is distributed at the end of the service. Those interested in learning more about the Orthodox Christian faith, please feel free to see Fr. George after the service. This week, to assist you in the Narthex we have at the Pangary: Nick Bouritsas, Charlie Eliopoulos; Greeter: Eleni Asimacopoulos; Ushers: Michael Kalambokis, Jim Karimbakas, Lula Kiflit, Peter Koshivos. TRISAGION:  Memorial prayers are offered today for the repose of the soul of Helen Johnson (3 years). May her memory be Eternal!   The candles and the flowers are offered in memory of Helen Johnson by her family. FELLOWSHIP HOUR:  Please join us for fellowship immediately following the Liturgy in

Sunday of the 7th Ecumenical Council

 In today’s gospel reading we hear the Parable of the Sower from the Gospel of Luke. After Christ shares the parable with the disciples they asks the meaning behind the story, and before Christ explains he says: “To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it is given in parables, that ‘Seeing they may not see, And hearing they may not understand.” - Luke 8:10 Mysteries are not obscure intellectual concepts, but the presence of the Kingdom of God which cannot be defined. A person's unwillingness to understand Christ's parables is due to a rejection of His Kingdom. -Orthodox Study Bible “If the blindness were natural, it would have been proper for God to open their eyes; but because it was a voluntary and self-chosen blindness, He does not overthrow their free will.” Doing so would have been not only to “no advantage for them, but an even greater condemnation.”  -St. John Chrysostom’s Homily 45 on Matthew

Saint Spotlight: Chryssa the New Martyr of Bulgaria

The Holy Virgin Martyr Chryssa, that “golden vessel of virginity, and undefiled bride of Christ,” was born, on the border of Bulgaria and Serbia, when Bulgaria was under the Turkish Yoke. Her father was poor and he had four daughters. Saint Chryssa was beautiful in appearance, and her soul was beautiful as well. From childhood she displayed an unusually strong character, and an unshakeable faith in Christ. A certain Turk became obsessed with her, and kidnapped her one day as she was gathering wood with some other women. He brought her to his house, and repeatedly tried to seduce the maiden, and persuade her to convert to Islam, saying that he would make her his wife. Chryssa, however, resisted and asserted: "I know only Christ as my Bridegroom, Whom I shall not deny, even if you tear me to to shreds." Since persuasion and flattery proved unsuccessful, the Turk began to threaten her with grievous torments. The glorious martyr was not frightened by these threats, however. For s

Cathedral's Young Adults Bake Prosphora after Liturgy

Today, our Cathedral's Young Adults and college students had their first Prosphora (Holy Bread) baking. Everyone had a great time joining in fellowship and learning how to bake the Prosphora. While waiting for the bread to rise, we learn how the Prosphora is prepared and used during Divine Liturgy.  All students and young adults are welcome to join us on the first Sunday of each month. Next month, on Nov. 3, we will be joined by the Philoptochos who will share some initiatives they are working on over the coming year.  

Weekly Bulletin for October 6, 2024 - 3rd Sunday of Luke


Sun. Oct. 6th Announcements

  Upcoming News & Events WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS: For those visiting an Orthodox Church for the first time, please be aware that Holy Communion is a sign of unity of faith which is only offered to Baptized or Chrismated Orthodox Christians. All present are welcome, however, to partake of the antidoro (blessed bread) which is distributed at the end of the service. Those interested in learning more about the Orthodox Christian faith, please feel free to see Fr. Tom after the service. This week, to assist you in the Narthex we have at the Pangary: Nikos Bouritsas, Peter Koshivos; Greeter: Chuck Papaslis; Ushers: Elaine Racheotes, Tina Savvidis, Carol Travayiakis, Dimitri Zaferacopoulos. FELLOWSHIP HOUR:  Please join us for fellowship immediately following the Liturgy in the Anastasia and Spiro Davis Hall. The fellowship hour will be sponsored by the Parish Council. VISITING PRIEST: We would like to welcome Fr. George Dragas to the Cathedral . BOOKSTORE: In our bookstore you will

Reflection on the 3rd Sunday of Luke

In today’s gospel reading, we see one of the three resurrections performed by our Lord during his earthly ministry as recorded in the Gospels, including the resurrection of Jairus’s daughter (Lk 8:41–56) and Lazarus (Jn 11:1–44). They confirm the promise given to the prophet Ezekiel that God will one day open the graves and raise all the dead (Ezk 37:1–14). Many people have exercised authority over the living; only the Son of God “has power over both the living and the dead” (funeral service). While Christ has power through His word alone (Jn 11:43), here He also touched the coffin to show that His very body is life-giving. This event also prefigures Christ's own Resurrection. As Mary would weep for Jesus at the Cross, yet her tears would be turned to joy by the Resurrection, here a widow's only son is raised from the dead, putting an end to her weeping (Ambrose of Milan). Epistle Commentary The treasure is the light of God's glory in Christ; earthen vessels refers to our h

Saint Spotlight: Thomas the Apostle of the 12

The Apostle Thomas was born in the Galilean city of Pansada and was a fisherman. Hearing the good tidings of Jesus Christ, he left all and followed after Him. The Apostle Thomas is included in the number of the holy Twelve Apostles of the Savior. According to Holy Scripture, the holy Apostle Thomas did not believe the reports of the other disciples about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into His side, I will not believe” (John 20:25). On the 8th day after the Resurrection, the Lord appeared to the Apostle Thomas and showed him His wounds. “My Lord and my God,” the Apostle cried out (John 20:28). “Thomas, being once weaker in faith than the other apostles,” says Saint John Chrysostom, “toiled through the grace of God more bravely, more zealously and tirelessly than them all, so that he went preaching over nearly all the earth, not fearing to proclaim the Word of God to s

Bread Baking Launch! - Oct. 6

  Join us THIS Sunday, October 6th for Bread Baking led by our resident young adult baker, Wells Johnstone. While the bread is in the oven, we will have a short conversation about this blessed bread and explain how it is used and prepared during service.

Young Adult Apple Picking - Oct. 20 after Liturgy

  Join us after church on Sunday, October 20th for apple picking at Tangerini's Spring Street Farm. CLICK HERE to RSVP

Weekly Bulletin for September 29, 2024 - 2nd Sunday of Luke


OCF Bake Koulourakia

  Last Thursday, the OCF of the Fenway Colleges met in our lower hall joining in fellowship and baking of koulourakia. Join us every Thursday for OCF! Join the GroupMe to stay up to date on upcoming OCF events.

Commentary on Luke by Cyril of Alexandria | Sermon 29

  The Lord said, “And as you wish that men would do to you, do  so to them” (Luke 6:31) It was probable however that the holy apostles would perchance think these things difficult to put into practice: He therefore Who knoweth all things takes the natural law of self-love as the arbiter of what any one would wish to obtain from another. Shew thyself, He says, to others such as thou wishest them to be towards thee. If thou wouldest have them harsh and unfeeling, fierce and wrathful, revengeful and ill-disposed, shew thyself also such: but if on the contrary thou wouldst have them kind and forgiving, do not think it a thing intolerable to be thyself so. And in the case of those so disposed, the law is perchance unnecessary, because God writes upon our hearts the knowledge of His will: "for in those days, saith the Lord, I will surely give My laws into their mind, and will write them on their heart." The Lord said, “Be merciful,  even as your Father is merciful.” (Luke 6:31) Gre

Sun. Sept. 29th Announcements

  Upcoming News & Events WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS: For those visiting an Orthodox Church for the first time, please be aware that Holy Communion is a sign of unity of faith which is only offered to Baptized or Chrismated Orthodox Christians. All present are welcome, however, to partake of the antidoro (blessed bread) which is distributed at the end of the service. Those interested in learning more about the Orthodox Christian faith, please feel free to see Fr. Tom after the service. This week, to assist you in the Narthex we have at the Pangary: Nick Bouritsas, Dimitri Zaferacopoulos; Greeter: Eleni Asimacopoulos; Ushers: Charlie Eliopoulos, Michael Kalambokis, Jim Karimbakas, Lula Kiflit. MEMORIAL:  The memorial service is offered today for the repose of the souls of Theodora Arvanites (13 years), James Arvanites (25 years), Anio Arvanites (35 years), Christine Theodore (40 years), and Christos Arvanites (63 years). Memorial prayers are offered today for the repose of the

Festival Appreciation Dinner - Oct. 3

Thank you to all of our volunteers who helped make this festival successful! In celebration of our hard work, join us on October 3rd at 6:30pm for an Appreciation Dinner!

First Day of Sunday School

  Last Sunday, was our first day of Sunday School.  Our coordinators and teachers introduced themselves and explained all the fun things we will do this year!

Cathedral Community Bids Farewell to Fr. Tom

Last Sunday, we bid farewell to our beloved Dean, Fr. Tom Chininis. We thank him for his years of dedicated service to our Cathedral and wish him all the best as he continues his journey at St. Demetrios in Weston, MA.

Weekly Bulletin for September 22, 2024 - 1st Sunday of Luke


Continue Forward With the Love of Christ

  St. Paul writes to the Corinthians in today’s epistle reading, “Brethren, be watchful, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” (1 Cor. 16:13) These words are fitting for my last Sunday serving at the Cathedral for they reflect my feelings toward the Cathedral community that I have come to love and have been honored to serve. While I have not served at the Cathedral for as long as I expected, I have strived to encourage the faithful to be vigilant in faith striving to grow in understanding and relationship with Christ and each other and to express this faith through action. This is the foundation of an Orthodox Christian community. The purpose of gathering is not to bolster ourselves, but to strengthen one another in understanding and expressing our faith. Striving to grow and to express our faith is not easy. There are personal traits or feelings, as well as aspects of relationships, that can affect spiritual growth in both positiv

Sunday, September 22nd Announcements

  Upcoming News & Events WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS: For those visiting an Orthodox Church for the first time, please be aware that Holy Communion is a sign of unity of faith which is only offered to Baptized or Chrismated Orthodox Christians. All present are welcome, however, to partake of the antidoro (blessed bread) which is distributed at the end of the service. Those interested in learning more about the Orthodox Christian faith, please feel free to see Fr. Tom after the service. This week, to assist you in the Narthex we have at the Pangary: Nick Bouritsas, Lula Kiflit; Greeter: Peter Koshivos; Ushers: Chuck Papaslis, Teddy Papaslis, Tina Savvidis, Jim Karimbakas. TRISAGION: Memorial prayers are offered today for the repose of the souls of Charles (Efstratios) Dukas , and Athena T. Speare (40 years). May their memory be Eternal!   FELLOWSHIP HOUR:  Please join us for fellowship immediately following the Liturgy in the Anastasia and Spiro Davis Hall. The fellowship hour wil