Parish Council President’s New Year “2024” Message

Dear Fellow Cathedral Members, I would like to extend to all of you and to your family members, on behalf of the Parish Council Members, our warmest wishes for the Holiday Season and the New Year 2024! Health, Happiness and Prosperity Always! I send a heartfelt “Thank You” to all of you for your unconditional commitment and support. Your love, commitment and support have given us the confidence that we will achieve greater successes in the New Year for the benefit of our Cathedral Community. Let us continue our solidarity, as generations have done in the past. Then we may rest assured that our Beloved Cathedral will remain the Beacon and the Spiritual Center among the New England Hellenes, as it has been since its founding in 1905. Εκ μέρους όλων το μελών του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου, σας στέλνω θερμούς χαιρετισμούς και ευχές με τον ερχομό του Καινούργιου Χρόνου, 2024! Υγεία, χαρά και ευτυχία και συνεχείς προόδους στον Ιερό μας, Καθεδρικό Ναό του Ευαγγελισμού Νέας Αγγλίας! Ο Νέος ...