
Showing posts from June, 2024

Become a Festival Sponsor (2024)

  Below are sponsorship donation options: Grand Benefactor $10,000 Vinyl Banner (36” X 72”) (3’X 6’) or larger based on request (Logo Optional).  Placemats (Center double size business card).  Visual presentation in the Center Hall. Great Benefactor:   $5,000 Vinyl Banner (36” X 72”) (3’X 6’) or larger based on request (Logo Optional).  Placemats (Center double size business card).  Visual presentation in the Center Hall. Benefactor: $2,500 Vinyl Banner (24” X 48”) (2’X 4’) (Logo Optional)  Placemats. (Business card) Visual presentation in the Center Hall Sponsor: $1,000. Vinyl Banner (24” X 36”) (2’X 3’) (Logo Optional).  Placemats (Business card size) Visual presentation in the Center Hall Donor: $500 Placemats (Double business card size).   Visual presentation in the Center Hall. Friend: $250 Placemats (Business card size).  Visual presentation in the Center Hall. Supporter: Donate any dollar amount DOWNLOAD PDF

Weekly Bulletin for June 30, 2024 - Synaxis of the Twelve Holy Apostles


A Call to Ministry

The Gospel reading today speaks to us about the Holy Apostles whose feast we celebrate today. We are given an opportunity to hear Jesus speak to the disciples and apostles about the ministry that is before them. Most of us as we read this passage will focus on the list of names of the twelve disciples rather than the message that He offers to them. While knowing the names of the disciples is important and interesting it is the message and mission that Jesus gives to them that is of tantamount importance. Let us take a look at this message. First, Jesus knows that the faithful of God are lost and wandering aimlessly, ‘like sheep without a shepherd.’ They need direction in their life and turns to His disciples to provide that direction by giving them authority ’over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal disease and infirmity.’ He instills within the disciples the confidence to help the faithful by addressing and abating their fears and distresses. Secondly, Jesus provides

Announcements for Sunday, June 30th

  Upcoming News & Events WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS: For those visiting an Orthodox Church for the first time, please be aware that Holy Communion is a sign of unity of faith which is only offered to Baptized or Chrismated Orthodox Christians. All present are welcome, however, to partake of the antidoro (blessed bread) which is distributed at the end of the service. Those interested in learning more about the Orthodox Christian faith, please feel free to see Fr. Tom after the service. This week, to assist you in the Narthex we have at the Pangary: Jim Karimbakas, Peter Koshivos; Greeter: Carol Travayiakis; Ushers: Lula Kiflit, Chuck Papaslis, Dimitri Zaferacopoulos, Charles Eliopoulos. MEMORIAL:  The memorial service is offered today for the repose of the soul of  Komnya Kosturova (7 years). May her memory be Eternal!   The flowers are offered in memory of Komnya Kosturova by her family. FELLOWSHIP HOUR:  Please join us for fellowship immediately following the Liturgy in the Ana

Weekly Bulletin for June 23, 2024 - Holy Pentecost


Welcoming the Spirit of Truth

  Through the hymns of the Orthodox Church we discover constant referencing to the Old Testament. In fact, many times, we hear verses directly taken from the Old Testament, especially the Psalms, and often times we hear of figures and events from the Old Testament referenced in the hymns. When we take a moment to consider this we realize that there is a seamless continuation from the Old Testament to the New because we believe that Jesus Christ not only bridges the two sections of Holy Scripture, but fulfills the Prophecies and provides for us the assurance of eternal life. Having so recently celebrated Pascha we know that, ‘death no longer has dominion over us.’ In the Old Testament we read of the Passover when the spirit of death passes over the Jewish families who have marked the lintel of their homes with the blood of a sacrificed lamb. As Christians we celebrate the new Pascha, the new Passover, when the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, is crucified, entombed, and resurrects on the

Sun. June 23, 2024 Announcements

Upcoming News & Events WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS: For those visiting an Orthodox Church for the first time, please be aware that Holy Communion is a sign of unity of faith which is only offered to Baptized or Chrismated Orthodox Christians. All present are welcome, however, to partake of the antidoro (blessed bread) which is distributed at the end of the service. Those interested in learning more about the Orthodox Christian faith, please feel free to see Fr. Tom after the service. This week, to assist you in the Narthex we have at the Pangary: Jim Karimbakas, Carol Travagiakis; Greeter: Peter Koshivos; Ushers: Dimitri Zaferacopoulos, Eleni Asimacopoulos, Charlie Eliopoulos, Michael Kalambokis. MEMORIAL:  The memorial service is offered today for the repose of the souls of  George M. Kalambokis (1 year), Dimitra G. Kalambokis (4 years), Alexandra Panos (8 years), and Andrew Panos (39 years). May their memory be Eternal!   FELLOWSHIP HOUR:  Please join us for fellowship immedi

Weekly Bulletin for June 16, 2024 - Fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council


Saturday of Souls on June 22

  Following Divine Liturgy on Saturday, June 22, we will officiate a memorial service to commemorate those who have fallen asleep before us Click Here to Download

Sunday, June 16 Announcements

  Upcoming News & Events WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS: For those visiting an Orthodox Church for the first time, please be aware that Holy Communion is a sign of unity of faith which is only offered to Baptized or Chrismated Orthodox Christians. All present are welcome, however, to partake of the antidoro (blessed bread) which is distributed at the end of the service. Those interested in learning more about the Orthodox Christian faith, please feel free to see Fr. Tom after the service. This week, to assist you in the Narthex we have at the Pangary: Nick Bouritsas, Michael Kalambokis; Greeter: Lula Kiflit; Ushers: Jim Karimbakas, Peter Koshivos, Chuck Papaslis, Tina Savvidis. MEMORIAL:  The memorial service is offered today for the repose of the soul of  Toula Louloudes (40 days). Memorial prayers are offered today for the repose of the souls of William C. Jeas (40 days), Charles Dukas , Peter Dukas , George Arvanitis, and Tamis Tamiolakis. May their memory be Eternal!   FELLOWS

Festival Planning Meeting


Living in Light and Life

This past week we celebrated the feast of the Ascension of Christ which follows forty days after Pascha. On this feast we see Christ ascending into heaven as he blesses his disciples to sit upon the heavenly throne until his second coming. For the past forty days we greeted one another with the joyous proclamation, “Christ is Risen.” We did so with eyes and hearts filled with the “never wanning light of Christ,” the One whose light guides our footsteps as we navigate through life facing challenges to our physical and spiritual health. Now we witness Him upon the heavenly throne where He watches over us with love and hope until the Second Coming not only reminding us, but ensuring for us that we are under His watchful eye. The Paschal light thankfully reminds us of two things. First, that with Christ, the Light and Life of the world, our lives always have hope. As St. John tells us in his Universal Epistle, “God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.” (1 Jn 1:5) No matt

Fotene Andreadis Receives the Metropolis Award

  On June 11, our Cathedral's Fotene Andreadis was honored with the Metropolis Award for her dedication to our parish. We thank her for all of her efforts! The 28th Annual Metropolis Awards ceremony was also a momentous occasion as we celebrated His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios' 40th anniversary of Archpastoral Ministry in the Metropolis of Boston. Εισ πολλα ετι δεσποτα! Click Here to learn more about Fotene Andreadis

General Assembly Meeting on June 23

On Sunday, June 23, we will hold our General Assembly in Davis Hall after the Divine Liturgy. Please make sure you are on hand as we are meeting to discuss the ministry of our parish.

Weekly Bulletin for June 9, 2024 - Sunday of the Blind Man


Feast of the Holy Ascension: Orthros & Divine Liturgy

  Join us on June 13 at the Cathedral on Parker Street for the feast of the Holy Ascension of Christ. Orthros will begin at 9:00 AM followed by Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM. We hope you will consider joining us in prayer. 

What did I do to deserve this?

  As parents, we tell our children that things we do result in consequences. The child throws a toy against the wall and they learn the consequence, a broken toy. Sometimes the action is more benign, you accidentally leave a plate of food on the table and your dog eats it. Society frequently offers a similar message; drink and drive and you get arrested. Actions have consequences. What we hear in today’s Gospel, however, shows us that sometimes we inappropriately connect actions and consequences. In the reading today we hear about a man born blind. The disciples ask Jesus, “who sinned, the man or his parents, that he was born blind?” The mistake they made in this instance was connecting a sin with a physical ailment. They mistakenly assume that a spiritual ailment, sin, is the direct cause of a physical ailment, blindness. Jesus uses this moment to teach them that sometimes physical ailments, like blindness, provide an opportunity for the grace and glory of God to be manifest.

Fotene Andreadis to Receive the Metropolis Award

To say that Fotene “Fay” Andreadis has been an invaluable and treasured fixture of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral of New England would be a tremendous understatement. Fay’s second home has always been the church. Born and raised on Long Island, New York, Fay married Jim Micros and quickly became immersed in church life as she raised her three sons, Nicholas, Michael, and Steven. For 20 years, Fay volunteered at St. Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Church in Greenlawn, N.Y., serving as a Sunday School teacher, Philoptochos member, and in the Mr./Mrs. Club. She also played a key role in the church’s festivals. The Annunciation Cathedral became her new spiritual home when she moved to Boston in 1982 and married Tony Andreadis, creating a blended family that included Tony’s children Katherine and Theodore. Her love of music and singing talent drew her to volunteer in the Cathedral’s renowned choir. Having served for many years as an executive assistant at major national banks, Fay’s org

Sunday, June 9th 2024 Announcements

Upcoming News & Events WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS: For those visiting an Orthodox Church for the first time, please be aware that Holy Communion is a sign of unity of faith which is only offered to Baptized or Chrismated Orthodox Christians. All present are welcome, however, to partake of the antidoro (blessed bread) which is distributed at the end of the service. Those interested in learning more about the Orthodox Christian faith, please feel free to see Fr. Tom after the service. This week, to assist you in the Narthex we have at the Pangary: Nick Bouritsas, Carol Travayiakis; Greeter: Dimitri Zaferacopoulos; Ushers: Elaine Racheotes, Tina Savvidis, Eleni Asimacopoulos, Charlie Eliopoulos. MEMORIAL:  The memorial service is offered today for the repose of the souls of  Costas Belezos (1 year). May his memory be Eternal!   FELLOWSHIP HOUR:  Please join us for fellowship immediately following the Liturgy in the Anastasia and Spiro Davis Hall. The fellowship hour will be sponsored