Annunciation Cathedral Hosts First Day of Sunday School Classes

Over 25 students registered for the Annunciation Cathedral 2022 Sunday School Program. Students ages 4 - 18 met with our wonderful Sunday School teachers to begin a fantastic year of fun, fellowship and learning. The Sunday School program helps facilitate a life-long and life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ, and with others who wish to grow closer to Him. This year's Sunday School students were divided into four classes; Little Lambs, JOY, Junior GOYA and Senior GOYA. Little Lambs, a new ministry of the Cathedral's Sunday School, seeks to minister to those children ages 40 days to 5 years old. The Little Lambs curricculum consists of stories, crafts, prayers, and hands-on activities that help younger children grow and explore the Orthodox faith. Little Lambs sudents coloring a picture of Jesus Christ, while listening to a story. The Sunday School's JOY class, ages 6-11, focuses on short lessons from the Gospel reading and a craft or activity that coincides wit...