Having a mentor is important for growing and maturing as individuals. A mentor is often thought of as a wise and faithful advisor or teacher. We can find mentors in work, in school, in church, and in family. I would like to focus on personal, spiritual growth and who our mentors may be. They may very well be our parents or grandparents, a person who sits next to us in the pews for services, a Sunday School teacher, a clergyman who served in a parish in which we worshiped, or one of the myriads of saints of the Church. St. Paul reminds us that we are the saints of Christ. The believers are the saints. In fact, in today’s epistle reading (2Tim 3:10-15) we see what true mentorship was to Timothy as St. Paul explains why the relationship they shared was so instrumental to Timothy’s leadership in the Church and his growth as a believer in Christ. St. Paul tells him, “Timothy, my son, you have observed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my st...