SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY: Peter Agris Memorial Journalism/Communications Awards mark 32nd year of grants to Greek Americans


Peter Agris Memorial Journalism/Communications Awards mark 32nd year of grants to Greek Americans
~ March 31 deadline for $5,000 communications grants ~

BOSTON – The Peter Agris Memorial Journalism/Communications Scholarships recently kicked off its 32nd year of providing critical financial aid to aspiring Greek American journalists, communications, and media specialists.

The grants are provided through a collaboration between the Alpha Omega Council of New England and the Agris family. Comprised of leading professionals of Hellenic ancestry, the Alpha Omega Council annually honors its late founder, Peter Agris, the founder and publisher of The Hellenic Chronicle, for fifty years the premier Greek American national English-language national weekly newspaper in this country. Agris, who died in 1989, was an Archon of the Greek Orthodox Church, a trustee of Hellenic College/Holy Cross School of Theology, Anatolia College, The American College of Greece, and an Ahepan.

With almost $750,000 in grants to 142 recipients since 1993, the program has created a network of Hellenic media professionals which includes: Brett Forrest, Emmy Award Senior Reporter, EW Scripps & Emmy Award; George Gemelas, environmental journalist, The Indianapolis Business Journal; Anastasia Lennon, investigative reporter, The New Bedford Light; Arielle Mitropoulos, anchor/reporter, WMUR-TV, Manchester, NH; Constantine Valhouli, journalist, author, documentary film director; Christina Xenos, Greek cookbook author & culinary journalist; Melanie Yates, Senior Editor, Heart Magazines; and scores of others in communications and media positions around the globe.

The program is accepting applications through its March 31 deadline. Criteria include Greek American heritage; U.S. citizenship; current full-time enrollment as journalism/communications/media majors at the graduate/undergraduate level in an accredited college or university in the United States; active participation in school, community, church organizations; a minimum of a 3.0 GPA and financial need.

Interested candidates should return the application, required essay, current transcripts, and professional work that enhances the application to Committee Executive Director Nancy Agris Savage at: no later than March 31, 2024.

Questions may be directed to: and further information is available on the Alpha Omega Council’s website: