Philoptochos Flower Fund
Dear Stewards and Friends,
As we anticipate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday, May 5, our Philoptochos will again provide flowers throughout Great Lent and for the Paschal Feast. Your generous Easter Flower Fund donations enable Philoptochos to decorate the Icon of the Theotokos for the Salutation Services and other Icons throughout Great Lent; provide palms for Palm Sunday; wreaths for the Processional Cross of Christ on Holy Thursday; and flowers throughout Holy Week including for the Kouvouklion on Holy Friday, the Anastasi Service, and Agape Service.
This wonderful tradition is sustainable only with your love and support. We ask you, our beloved stewards, families and friends, to make a donation to the “Annual Easter Flower Fund.”
You may dedicate your donation for the health of your family and/or in memory of a loved one. Father Tom will commemorate the names of your departed loved ones at a special Trisagion service at the Kouvouklion on Holy Friday just before the evening service. The names of the living will be commemorated at the preparation of the gifts at the Divine Liturgy.
Please make your donation payable to the Cathedral Philoptochos Society “Evangelismos”. We kindly request that you provide your list with names by April 26 to Kally Badavas.
We wish you and your families a Great Lent of reflection and renewal and a joyous Paschal celebration.