
Showing posts from October, 2024

Weekly Bulletin for October 9, 2024 - 3rd Sunday of Luke


Sun. Oct. 6th Announcements

  Upcoming News & Events WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS: For those visiting an Orthodox Church for the first time, please be aware that Holy Communion is a sign of unity of faith which is only offered to Baptized or Chrismated Orthodox Christians. All present are welcome, however, to partake of the antidoro (blessed bread) which is distributed at the end of the service. Those interested in learning more about the Orthodox Christian faith, please feel free to see Fr. Tom after the service. This week, to assist you in the Narthex we have at the Pangary: Nikos Bouritsas, Peter Koshivos; Greeter: Chuck Papaslis; Ushers: Elaine Racheotes, Tina Savvidis, Carol Travayiakis, Dimitri Zaferacopoulos. FELLOWSHIP HOUR:  Please join us for fellowship immediately following the Liturgy in the Anastasia and Spiro Davis Hall. The fellowship hour will be sponsored by the Parish Council. VISITING PRIEST: We would like to welcome Fr. George Dragas to the Cathedral . BOOKSTORE: In our bookstore you will

Reflection on the 3rd Sunday of Luke

In today’s gospel reading, we see one of the three resurrections performed by our Lord during his earthly ministry as recorded in the Gospels, including the resurrection of Jairus’s daughter (Lk 8:41–56) and Lazarus (Jn 11:1–44). They confirm the promise given to the prophet Ezekiel that God will one day open the graves and raise all the dead (Ezk 37:1–14). Many people have exercised authority over the living; only the Son of God “has power over both the living and the dead” (funeral service). While Christ has power through His word alone (Jn 11:43), here He also touched the coffin to show that His very body is life-giving. This event also prefigures Christ's own Resurrection. As Mary would weep for Jesus at the Cross, yet her tears would be turned to joy by the Resurrection, here a widow's only son is raised from the dead, putting an end to her weeping (Ambrose of Milan). Epistle Commentary The treasure is the light of God's glory in Christ; earthen vessels refers to our h

Saint Spotlight: Thomas the Apostle of the 12

The Apostle Thomas was born in the Galilean city of Pansada and was a fisherman. Hearing the good tidings of Jesus Christ, he left all and followed after Him. The Apostle Thomas is included in the number of the holy Twelve Apostles of the Savior. According to Holy Scripture, the holy Apostle Thomas did not believe the reports of the other disciples about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into His side, I will not believe” (John 20:25). On the 8th day after the Resurrection, the Lord appeared to the Apostle Thomas and showed him His wounds. “My Lord and my God,” the Apostle cried out (John 20:28). “Thomas, being once weaker in faith than the other apostles,” says Saint John Chrysostom, “toiled through the grace of God more bravely, more zealously and tirelessly than them all, so that he went preaching over nearly all the earth, not fearing to proclaim the Word of God to s