Reflection on the 3rd Sunday of Luke

In today’s gospel reading, we see one of the three resurrections performed by our Lord during his earthly ministry as recorded in the Gospels, including the resurrection of Jairus’s daughter (Lk 8:41–56) and Lazarus (Jn 11:1–44). They confirm the promise given to the prophet Ezekiel that God will one day open the graves and raise all the dead (Ezk 37:1–14). Many people have exercised authority over the living; only the Son of God “has power over both the living and the dead” (funeral service). While Christ has power through His word alone (Jn 11:43), here He also touched the coffin to show that His very body is life-giving. This event also prefigures Christ's own Resurrection. As Mary would weep for Jesus at the Cross, yet her tears would be turned to joy by the Resurrection, here a widow's only son is raised from the dead, putting an end to her weeping (Ambrose of Milan).

Epistle Commentary

The treasure is the light of God's glory in Christ; earthen vessels refers to our humanity. As this light shines in and through us, people will see that the power is of God and not of man

This is victorious, but not trouble-free, Christianity. These trials “show both the power of God and, more, disclose His Grace” (St. John Chrysostom).